10013 Raeburn Rd., Port Franks, ON N0M 2L0
Call For a Free Consultation 519-868-2847



A spider infestation in your home or business can cause you major disruption. At Huron Pest Control, Inc. we have years of experience helping our customers in Huron County eradicate and prevent spiders. Spiders multiply quickly so it is important...

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A cockroach infestation in your home or business can cause you major disruption. At Huron Pest Control, Inc. we have years of experience helping our customers in Huron County eradicate and prevent cockroaches. Cockroaches multiply very quickly so...

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Boxelder Beetles

Boxelder Beetles

Box Elder beetles have become a common problem in the Lambton Shores and Huron County.  During certain times of the year, box elder beetles can gather in great numbers and become a nuisance while warming themselves on the sunny sides of your home...

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Bed Bugs

Bed Bugs

The presence of bed bugs has become more common. Bed bugs live in furniture, clothing and bedding. Since they are the most challenging kind of bug to eradicate, it is best to always be mindful of them to attempt to prevent the spread of bed bugs...

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MICE It is rare to be bitten by a mouse as they generally avoid contact with people. However, their feces and urine can pose a serious risk to your health. Mice are notorious for uncleanliness and spreading disease. They are known to damage...

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Rats are becoming a more common pest in urban areas than ever before.  Rats are extremely intelligent creatures and can be tricky to evict from your structure.  Rats can cause considerable damage through their urine and are constant chewers...

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General crawling insects

General crawling insects

General crawling insects such as earwigs, sow bugs, Box Elder Beetles,  Japanese Beetles, Ladybugs or silverfish and stored food pests are not likely to invade your home, but can occasional become a problem.  Huron Pest Control Inc. can devise a...

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Wasps, Bees and Hornets

Wasps, Bees and Hornets

Are Yellow Jackets & Wasps a Problem in Southern Ontario? Absolutely! In fact, several species of yellow jackets and the exotic European paper wasp are serious pests in southern Ontario. Yellow jackets can nest all over the place: in or on...

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If you have noticed that your pet has been scratching, you are itchy yourself or you have bites on your body you may have a problem with fleas.  Fleas are particularly difficult to eliminate due to their ability to reproduce very quickly...

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Cluster flies

Cluster flies

Cluster flies can become a particular nuisance in the fall and spring.  Typically found outside, these foul creatures can invade your home by the tens of thousands.  We have a fantastic program where we come out in the spring and fall to treat...

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Are you seeing ant shavings in your Grand Bend home? Are you seeing trails of ants attacking your food in your Huron County cottage? If this is the case Huron Pest Control, Inc. services will eliminate your current infestation providing you peace...

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